- Wedge Antilles in Steakhouse Waiter attire.
- Sharad Hett (The bald and blue Tusken Jedi. Haven't we been here before?)
- Sharad Hett (The bald and blue Tusken Jedi. Haven't we been here before?)
- Not one, but two Mandolorians in florescent green armor.
- Grand Moff Tarkin in a green uniform with yellow stripes. (What's with green?)
- Grand Moff Tarkin in a green uniform with yellow stripes. (What's with green?)
- Commtech era Stormtrooper with some blue graffiti sprayed all over him for a cotton candy look.
- Another Blackhole Stormtroooper (Like, that's so 2007!)
- Several terrible Wal-Mart exclusive packs with real bottom of the barrel D-listers.
- Another Blackhole Stormtroooper (Like, that's so 2007!)
- Several terrible Wal-Mart exclusive packs with real bottom of the barrel D-listers.
- Ki-Adi-Mundi in a very 70's era McDonald's character costume. Did you forget what they look like? Let me help jog your memories........
You get the drift. Some comic packs were borderline lousy, one pack that comes to mind featured two characters from the superb Purge story arc - Butlar Swan & Koffi Arana. While it was not the worst set released in the series, the figures themselves did not look very
I personally did not get rid of these two figures from my collection, I also did not display them proudly either! They joined the fine ranks of the Lucas Family, Pepper Shaker Padmes & the Sucky Senators as a great base foundation in my figure storage bins. When the very well done Kyle Katarn/Vong pack came out he was missing something, more like somebody - Jan Ors!
As I rummaged through my figure bin I came across that Purge Butlar Swan figure and instantly had an idea to convert her to Jan Ors. While it's not the perfect Jan Ors, it really does resemble the character enough and looks great next to the new Kyle! Take a look at the mod:

If anything it's a great way to use this useless figure until a real Jan Ors gets made (if ever). This quick mod requires no paint or tools, just parts. It also covers some of the flaws too!
Formula Fun:
- 30th TAC Butler Swan from Comic pack
- Legacy Sandstorm Luke Goggles
- Legacy Pruneface Cloak/Commlink
- Blaster/Belt from Endor Luke
As you can see the "Little Differences" can make a big difference to your figures! Until next time!
Until the late 80s, I was petrified of the Hamburglar! I would sit in quiet terror whilst eating my McNuggets, nervously scanning the room for suspicious activity...