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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Customs - Lord Hoth V4 & Lord Kaan V3

I love Lord Hoth! 

He is the most kick arse, take no prisoner Jedi ever! He does not prescribe to the soft mansy, "emo-ness" of the modern Jedi with all the passive peace, "we must -understand-evil" jive. He understands it just fine and knows that you cannot negotiate with it or pacify it. It just needs to be obliterated plain and simple! When Lord Hoth senses evil he hunts it down to snuff it out wherever creepy place it may lurk. If that is not enough, he will even sacrifice himself in the process if it means destroying it all in one clean shot! He calls evil's bluff by staring it down and beating it profusely. I gave a rave review of the character on my Blog back in June here. I think I said all I needed to about his great feats and awesomeness! I even covered the fact that if the Jedi followed his example they would not have been wiped out as many times as they did. But I guess that would be counterproductive as we not not have the films and EU stuff...

I recently went back to do another Lord Hoth and Lord Kaan as these two are such cool characters. While I made these two many times before this is definitely my favorite pair for the exception of Lord Hoth's chest armor. I did not have the part on hand that I wanted to use on him. I will do another in the coming months but the next Hoth will be my most accurate…

Enjoy! Feedback and hate mail welcome…just not implied accusations that I have to utterly crush with glaring evidence to the contrary...

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