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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New Custom - Lightside Darth Revan

A few months ago I was contacted by a very nice gentlemen from Australia that went by the name of Elock. He asked me to create a Lightside version of Revan for his son's birthday. While I normally do not take commissions I actually had the right parts on hand and the figure formula in my head as soon as I looked at the reference pictures he sent me:

It was such a compelling email from this kind gentlemen from Australia to make his sons birthday very special by having me create a custom figure that his son really wanted to have. I could not say no to that so I took on the job, afterall I knew right away how to make him so the Force wanted this one to happen. I felt this was a fairly easy custom to knock out and it was, I even had some fun with it by giving him some removable hair to display him cloaked or uncloaked. (FYI - I used the official Revan head which is bald so he needed to have a toupee for him if the hood was removed.) I was very happy with the end result, as mentioned I used official Revan parts that I happened had on hand (For those that do not know he is a very hard and expensive figure to come by!) in combination with some custom soft goods I made to complete the look I wanted to achieve. More importantly my friend Elock and his son were very pleased with this custom, that was the most important aspect for me given the sentimental nature of this particular custom. A father getting his son a custom Star Wars figure for his 20 something son is pretty awesome in my book! Anyway, here are the final result of my one time only Lightside Revan:

As always your feedback comments and hate mail are welcome!

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