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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Custom - Boelo, Jabba's Docking Bay 94 Goon

Just when you think that you know every character that appeared in the Star Wars movies some obscure scrub of a character seems to pop up on a fans want list for figures to be made. One of those scrubs is Boelo, a goon that was with Jabba the Hutt in Docking Bay 94 when they confronted Han and Chewie. The scene was cut in the original film but was added back in the 1997 Special Edition. Most Star Wars fans have seen the SE ANH movie dozens of times so everyone should begrudgingly remember this cringe inducing added scene (you know, the one with Han's hand magically passing through Jabba's body). Boelo was in the forefront background under the Falcon with his gun drawn to back up his boss in case Han got a little too cocky. He is a fairly memorable character due to the brown lawn gnome hat and trench coat that he was wearing. (There was another memorable goon with him here with a super frothy beard but I will deal with him later...)

I love making the many obscure denizens of Mos Eisley so this guy was a great choice for me to tackle. I think there is a fairly decent chance that we will see an official figure of Boelo one day until then I am happy to make him for you! Take a look at and LMK what you think!

As always your feedback comments and hate mail are welcome!


  1. Love this action figure. It sold so fast. You need a quick trigger finger to get one of your customs these days. You should lose the "Buy It Now" feature and watch your pockets fill up with customizing money. Fans may be willing to pay more than you ask.

  2. Damn! i see i missed a great figure i could have used....oh well.

  3. yah! I got this guy on Monday....thanks mate. keep the obscure cantina & Jabba's palace patrons coming.
