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Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Custom - KOTOR Jedi Consular Karissa Amori

It's time to mix things up with today's custom figure profile by showcasing a generic creation that I recently made. Most of the customs that I profile on the front page are based on "real" characters that have not been made into official plastic. A worthless fact is that most of the customs that I have made in the last 4.5 years were my own generic creations. This latest custom creation was made up on the fly with parts I had on hand (I am super low on parts too!) but in the end she appeared to be inspired by the Jedi in the second KOTOR game trailer. She was not but really resembles some of the traits of that Jedi character:

 I love customizing on the fly because it produces some of my best work. There is something to be said about not following source material, to me it takes off the pressure and gives you the artistic freedom to let the customizing Force flow. I am not sure what else to say about this figure but sometimes less is more, so I will let the figure speak for itself.

If you think it stinks that’s cool too, but please send me some hate mail to let me know. I may wind up going back to actually replicate that Jedi character from the game trailer if the response on this one is good...

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