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Sunday, August 22, 2010

My Contest Winning Collection

Back in June I saw this post over at for a Star Wars Collecting program at Celebration V that would be on display during the show. Renowned Star Wars collector Gus Lopez and his team were running this event. They wanted to showcase how collectors display their collections in unique ways so other fans can get inspired by them. So I decided to enter my collection since my set up is pretty unique, after all, I already had pictures of my collection room that I made for this blog. I sent my submission and actually heard from a very kind gentleman named Todd Chamberlain the very same day, I knew that was a good sign. He also requested a few more pictures, another good sign. I felt very confident that I would make the cut but I never heard back from him after a few back and forth replies. I did not want to send a follow up email since the show just passed last weekend. I figured I would wait a little longer to inquire what happened...

A few days ago I received a PM over at Jedidefender. Low and behold a very kind Jedidefender/Rebelscum forum acquaintance named CorranHorn attended CV. He was kind enough to think of me and has sent me two shots of my collection that were on display at CV! My collection actually made the cut! Here are the two pictures that he sent me:

While I did not expect any prize (it mentioned nothing of the sort), I did expect at the very least to get some kind of confirmation notice IF my collection was indeed part of their display exhibit. Maybe Todd forgot or was too busy (very likely). I am thankful to him for incorporating my collection into the exhibit, it's really cool in a very nerdy spectrum to have your collection placed in something like this. Especially when it's run by Gus Lopez - Star Wars collector extraordinaire! I now have nerdy bragging rights and can say that my collection is award winning (sort of). I am a bit baffled by the shots they chose though. They used my custom corner instead of my main display set up shot. My main shot is so much more impressive, the custom corner is a bit of a hodge podge. I think the deciding factor for them was the Colt 45 Billy Dee Beer light the wall is also dedicated to Lando so I guess I should not be surprised. The other nit pick I can find is that the Jabba and Lars displays in the pictures above are out of date. I have the new Wal-Mart Jabba and Uncle Owen as well as a few other upgrades. Ungrateful you ask, no, not at all. I am a perfectionist, so I can find faults somewhere. I am very, very grateful. I just seek to have anything with my name attached to it be the best it can be, that's all.

I would have never known or have seen this if it was not for the very thoughtful and kind Jason aka "CorranHorn". Many thanks for taking those shots, I truly appreciate it!


  1. Congratulations! An honor that is well deserved.

  2. P.S. - Got our Jedi Dooku today. Certainly worthy of a post. The way we've been buying your custom figures, we're going to have to do a 2nd Customizer's Spotlight on the figures we obtained after our last post.

  3. I have seen this collection in person and the photos do not do it justice. I understand your frustration with the photo choices, my bruthah! So I have to wonder; were there more photos of your collection elsewhere? The "showcase" certainly had to be more than this one board, right?

  4. Nice Job you beard! You'll have to give The Drawing Board site a plug on the side there>>>>>> I also recently opened up David Wilkinson's Swag City on Zazzle. Check it out: I am sure you will appreciate some of that crap.
